Sunday, October 30, 2011

I'm up to my nose in homework...

...therefore I have been the busiest person in the middle of this galaxy for the past week and a half. Excuses, excuses. NO, they are NOT excuses, they are real. Due to my three and a half day absence at school, I have a ton of makeup work and haven't had a spare moment. I have great things in mind for my blog, and I would do them if it weren't for darn school. The only reason I am actually blogging right now is because I am fed up with my homework at the moment and needed a break. A photo break. A video break. A hot chocolate break... I take that back, I somehow managed to explode the hot chocolate in the microwave...

My strange cat...

My Gorgeous dog
Yeah, well I got to get back to my homework, so yeah... <3

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Birthday Pics

It has been exactly a week since my birthday and now I have the pictures! :) Yay! 

Kylie, Brady and Hannah Chilling in the pit...

The guys said they were exhausted 2 hours in... finally, some appreciation for the hard work of a gymnast, and from a guy!!! 
Manuela, Brady, Hannah, Saba, Angela, Sara, Me, Julia, Kylie, Lydia (Oh, and in the background...Joe)

Hi Joe!
Picture Perfect

The whole gang, minus Christian

Everyone... :)

Lydia and I
Reading one of the many sweet cards from you all :)

Awww Gee :)
On the way homee... :)

Their Car

Our car

They didn't leave me any popcorn...

Uh, Hannah, You are advertising incorrectly... :D

Yummy cupcakes

Bonfiring (See what I did there?)

ahhh, nice and toasty
I had a blast and hope everyone else did too! Thank you all for making my birthday unforgettable! <3

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Happy Birthday SK's!

Happy 15th Birthday to the SK's! I love you both so very much and miss you bunches! I hope you have a spectacular birthday and cannot wait to see you again! Thanks for helping to make my birthday special, I hope yours is just as wonderful! <3
gaTavalod tavalod tavalodet mobarak! Mobarak mobarak tavalodet mobarak! Bia shamaro foot kon ta sad sal zende bashi. Bia shamaro foot kon ta sad sal zende bashi.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Birthday Surprise!!!

Hey everyone! It's finally my birthday, but I haven't changed ages officially, yet. So, without further ado, here is the surprise!!! :)

Happy Birthday Erin!!!

Sunday, October 9, 2011


I have no idea what to post right now, my mind is completely blanking out.... Oh!! Saturday is my birthday! :) (the 15th) I am so excited and there will be a special post on that day too, and it took a lot of nerve to do, so I hope you all like it! :)

Currently, I am trying to get a new camera, but have been experimenting around with my current one recently, which the picture below was a result of... <3

Shout out to Saba and Sara! I had an amazing time at your birthday party and at the ice rink! It was a total blast and I cannot wait to see you all again! :) I know this post had no point, but... make sure to check out my blog this weekend for a surprise!!!!!! <3

Saturday, October 8, 2011

RIP Steve Jobs


*Photo Credit Jonathan Mak Long